The App State branded social media mark was developed to give a consistent look to departments representing the university. The mark can be used as the profile photo for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media outlets.
Template options
Choose different color backgrounds and text colors. You can also choose to use a photo. These are a few examples that could be created for the Hayes School of Music. Remember this mark will be very small in the Twitter and Facebook comment feeds, so the simpler the better.
Use part of the College name
Use a phrase or just a word
Use just a photo
Download this Adobe Photoshop PSD file to create your own mark. It contains layers with the different Appalachian colors and a text layer. Use the san serif font family of Arial or Myriad Pro. You can also place a photo on a layer. Twitter or Facebook and other social platforms may force the mark to be in a circle format, see example.
Contact Sarah McBryde in University Communications if you need help creating a social media mark at