New logos

Want a new logo? Think big “A”

It’s important to keep in mind that all of us communicate for Appalachian State University. The more we reinforce the university’s primary graphics and brand, the more benefit we bring to Appalachian, and the more benefit Appalachian brings to our region, state, world and our professional reputations. For this reason, creating new logos for university entities is not permitted.

You have lots of options

In addition to the primary university marks, there are a variety of approved graphics and marks you can use to represent your area. These include titlemarks, social media marks, and icons, all of which are approved for general use.

What if I only want to reach an internal audience?

Graphics aren’t the only way to go.

A lot can be done creatively simply using words and color.

Think before you have a contest.

Logo contests can seem like a great idea, but the last thing you want to do is promise someone their logo will be representing Appalachian, only to find that can’t happen. But contests are a great way to involve more people in your process, which is a terrific promotional strategy!

Keep in mind tag lines are a great way to promote your organization or effort. You can engage students in tag line development contests rather than logo development contests, which can be a lot of fun, and because it does not require software or an artist, can engage more people.

For internal promotional efforts, especially student clubs and organizations.

It is recognized that when promoting university initiatives or events to an internal audience - particularly to students - differentiation from the primary marks we all use can help your message stand out. There is, therefore, one exception to the “no new logo” rule. If your event or initiative is only meant to be promoted to an INTERNAL audience - faculty, staff and/or students, AND the graphic will stay within the physical borders of our campus (which means not on the web or social media), then new graphics are permitted. Please submit these to your Communications Liaison, for review by University Communications.

If you are developing a graphic for in-house use, there are four main points to keep in mind:

  1. Begin by familiarizing yourself with the branding standards. If you are developing a new graphic for any reason, contact your communications liaison BEFORE you begin. This can save a lot of work, and/or heartache.
  2. Any use of the university’s primary marks is subject to review by the Branding Council.
  3. Only approved, primary marks are ok to post on the web or social media.
  4. Any and all merchandise or “SWAG” items must be approved by the Office of Trademarks & Licensing.

When in doubt, or if you have any questions contact University Communications.