Publication requirements

The Appalachian equal opportunity, cost, and recycled paper statements, as well as the Appalachian logo, must appear on university publications.

Equal opportunity statement

The Equal Opportunity statement must be included in all recruiting materials for external audiences, the undergraduate and graduate catalogs and any other course bulletins, and the SPA Employee and Faculty Handbooks. When space is limited the url can be used instead or the whole statement. 

Printing cost and recycled paper statement

State regulations require cost and recycled paper statements on public documents printed in quantities of 200 or more that are produced with state-appropriated funds and intended for use by the public. Only publications printed for the sole purpose of sale to the public or with non-state appropriated funds are exempt from this requirement. The term "cost" shall include direct costs in the form of "labor, materials and other identifiable design, typesetting, printing and binding costs." The costs of writing and editing the publication are excluded if provided by in-house talent. The following wording must be used when printing cost statements:

______ copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $______ or $______ per copy.

Documents printed on recycled paper must contain a "printed on recycled paper" statement and/or the recycled symbol.

Appalachian State University's guideline is to use a minimum of 30% post-consumer waste paper.