University Color Palette
The university has both a primary and an extended color palette. The primary color palette should be used predominantly on printed materials, while the extended color palette may be used sparingly to complement the primary palette.
App State gold is the main identifying color of the university; it is suggested that at least 10% of this color be used in all materials.
Usage Guidelines
- Best practice: use at least 10% of App State gold in all designs.
- Use proper color breakdowns for specific applications.
- Primary colors should be used as the main colors in designs.
- Colors from the extended color palette may be used for accents, using only 10%-100% tint.
- Text and background color contrast must meet the guidelines for web and digital design.
Primary color palette
App State Gold
CMYK 0, 16, 100, 0
RGB 255, 210, 0
PMS® 116C, 115U
Hex #FFCC00
CMYK 30, 30, 30, 100
RGB 0, 0, 0
PMS® Process Black C
Hex #010101
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
RBG 255, 255, 255
(none) Opaque White
Extended color palette
Light Gray
CMYK 15, 11, 11, 0RGB 213, 215, 216
Hex #d6d6d7
Medium Gray
CMYK 31, 24, 25, 0RGB 179, 179, 179
Hex #b2b3b3
Dark Gray
CMYK 30, 30, 30, 70RGB 77, 77, 72
Hex #4c4847
Stately Stone
CMYK 5, 8, 32, 12RGB 214, 201, 154
Hex #d5c99a
Boot Brown
CMYK 16, 46, 87, 51RGB 123, 84, 30
Hex #7b541e
Grass Green
CMYK 55, 0, 75, 16RGB 105, 170, 97
Hex #69aa61
Brick Orange
CMYK 19, 74, 100, 3RGB 198, 96, 42
Hex #c6602a
Roof Green
CMYK 46, 5, 38, 47RGB 83, 122, 107
Hex #537a6b
Dark Gold
CMYK 15, 34, 100, 1RGB 216, 165, 39
Hex #d7a527
Lake Blue
CMYK 93, 60, 15, 2RGB 3, 101, 156
Hex #03659c