If you are a news media professional with a question about Appalachian State University, please use the Media Request Form to submit your request.
News and events
Find university press releases, event announcements and feature stories at Appalachian Today
Speakers and experts
Access Appalachian State University facts and figures, including enrollment numbers, academic stats and facility information.
Emergency situations
During critical incidents or emergencies requiring police or fire response, access to areas usually open to media may be limited. Media must follow guidelines provided at the site of the incident.
AppState-ALERT is the Appalachian State University 24/7 emergency messaging system designed to provide Appalachian students, faculty and staff members with timely information in the event of a campus emergency.
Emergency Management: Learn more about emergency preparedness and campus resources.
The philosophy of the Appalachian Police Department is one of proactive community engagement, collaboration and customer service, and the department aims to be a leader in innovative public safety ideas and strategies.
Public records requests
Appalachian State University is committed to fulfilling public records requests in a timely manner while protecting the privacy rights of both its students and employees.
Guidelines for film, video and photography
News photography and videotaping is permitted in:
- Outdoor, public areas of campus.
- Common areas in campus buildings, i.e. lobbies.
While permission is not required, we strongly suggest you contact University Communications. We will alert the appropriate units on campus (i.e. Appalachian Police Department) and in some cases can assist with parking needs.
Permission is required to photograph or videotape in:
- Interior, non-public spaces.
- Residence halls.
- Dining areas.
- Classrooms.
- Laboratories.
- Offices and workspaces.
- Research facilities.
Classrooms generally are not open to the public or to the media while class is in session. Use the Media Request Form to submit a request to gain access.
Commercial photography or videography
Filming on campus is considered a use of university facilities, and as such, is subject to the facilities use policy. A license to use film, video, photo or other images is required for commercial photography, filmmaking or video projects on campus. Submission of a Location Agreement, approved by Appalachian's Office of General Counsel, may also be required.
To request access, submit a Request for Commercial Photography or Videography.
Unmanned air systems or drones
Please refer to the Unmanned Aircraft Systems website for guidance.

Photo catalog
Browse the database of photos available for download. Submit a specific request using the Media Request Form.